Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 21, 2014 -- Rio Rancho

So sorry it's been such a long while since my last post! What with Seriah and Rebecca being so busy and dragging me around with them, it's hard to find time to write! I am now back in the very windy state of NM with Seriah. She is being super annoying to me (and all her family) by randomly jumping up and down and singing out: "I can't believe the Regency Ball is this Saturday!!!" Can you tell she's pretty excited about it? Her Grandmother just finished her dress, and, as previously mentioned, the ball is this Saturday. I will try to put up some good pictures of the ball and the girls in all their finery for you to enjoy:)
   She has also been super busy what with rehearsing for the play that she's in: The Silver Chair. Here is a picture that her friend Savannah took for me at one of the rehearsals (it IS sort of hard to use a camera with paws...). Seriah is in full costume; Aslan is not. (However, Aslan has all his makeup on, that is why his face looks a little odd)

That was the first full-dress rehearsal. There was lots of running around, assisting with stubborn zippers and lace-up dresses, helping little owls get into their costumes, and boys running around yelling, "Hey! Has anybody seen my belt? Mullugutherum--I need my belt back!" There a lot of little girls who play owls, and since their wings cover their hands, they couldn't get the door open to get out of the dressing room! Emma, Seriah's friend, also an owl, couldn't use the water fountain, either. All the owls have hoods with a felt beak that comes down over their forehead. Well, naturally, all the boys thought it was fun to grab and yank down on the beak, bringing the hood down over the poor owl's face:) I'll be sure to post a lot of pictures of the actual production, as well as all the comical rehearsals.


  1. I can't wait to see more photos! You look great in your costume.

  2. Thanks! I think that out of all the cast, Eustace and I have the best costumes--not the coolest, but definitely the easiest to get in and out of!
