Friday, December 20, 2013

December 15, 2013-- WV

What Have I Been Up To? An Update From Tsarmina Greeneyes:

Well, after an awesome time with Seriah in New Mexico, I returned to find this interesting substance all over the ground--

Maisey had never seen it before, either.

Don't be deceived by its soft, fuzzy appearance, because it feels nothing like cotton batting. If you bury your face in it expecting to become warm, all you will get is a face-ful of cold-- the stuff actually turns to water when it comes in contact with you!

Rebecca says it's snow. I say it's snow joke-- being a cat, I naturally do not enjoy the presence of things that make me cold or wet. But everyone else seems to have fun playing in it. In fact, Rebecca and her visiting cousins all bundled themselves up in stiff-fabric-ed clothes and went out to play in it!

I think they're crazy.

Well, I know I haven't blogged in a while. Sorry about that! So busy. Apparently, in this world, people have a holiday right in the dead of winter. They call it Christmas (am I the only one who had never heard of it?). It's where they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They use several interesting methods of celebrating: chopping down trees and dragging them into their houses to be decorated, exchanging gifts, setting up statues of men in dresses beside wooden boxes that have been turned sideways (they call these nativity scenes), baking spicy cookies shaped like dead guys (they're called gingerbread) and cleaning houses up just for visiting relatives to make dirty all over again.

Rebecca lives in a family of bookworms.
When the relatives visit, they read all the books
in the house. LITERALLY.

Try and find me in this picture

Meanwhile, Rebecca's room is Santa's workshop.

She turned her dresser into a desk for sewing and the like.

Sssssshhhhhh! Secrets in progress. . . .
But you can't come in, because you might get a peek at the secret Christmas presents that we're working so hard to make! So go out and play in the snow, and I'll be back with you Christmas day.
And I'll be staying warm in this gorgeous scarf Seriah made me! 
Napping on the upstairs Christmas tree. . .
it's actually quite comfortable!