Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sometime in January--Rio Rancho, NM

Well, Seriah has about had it up to here with Math. She was so upset today about it, that instead of working on her problems, she wrote a poem about it:

The Horrible Thing That is Math

A Poem By Seriah R. Getty

How do I dislike Thee? Let me count the ways:

You give me all your problems—every single day.

You give me useless info that I'll never, ever use,

And do I have a choice? No, I never got to choose.

Your problems are outrageous! Full of silly, stupid stuff,

Like how many stores carry how many pairs of mittens and lady's muffs.

How many apples does Sally have after she gives them away?

At what time will these two trains run into each other today?

I think I will smash my head on the wall—

How much pizza is left? I can't do it all!

I don't know what your X is—I couldn't care less!

Fractions and Comparing—my notebook is a mess!

GCFs, LCMs, bytes and bits and pieces,

Oh why, oh why, oh why do you have 86 peaches?

Ratios, Division, Subtraction and Addition

I'm pretty sure that ruining my life is your goal and mission.

Why do you need me to find your LCD?

I'd rather be curled up with a book and a nice hot cup of tea.

So what if there's 80 restaurants?

What on earth has that to do with 11 monkey astronauts?

Two whole lessons of math a day? No, I really can't!

The circumference of a reindeer isn't really that important.

And if you ask me one more time something else to multiply—

I think I'll just lay down on the floor, curl up in a ball, and die.

Oops--here she comes! I didn't exactly get her permission to post this, so I'd better beat it!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 10th, 2014!!!

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!! It has been a very busy year for me, traveling back and forth between Rebecca and Seriah. I am now back in NM after spending the holidays with Rebecca's family. Thank goodness there is no snow here! It's actually pretty warm here. I have only been here since yesterday, and I shared the flight over to NM with Seriah's Christmas present from Rebecca, a mug from the Outer Banks of NC. Seriah loved it and wanted me to post some pictures of her using it--which she did right away.

Here's a tip: Never have your little brother take your picture if you're planning to post it online...

(trying to act like a lady from a chocolate commercial in heavenly bliss isn't working, Seriah)

The hot Cocoa is all gone....(dramatic sigh)