Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26th, 2013-- WV

                                                                                         Doing my duty and guarding the brownies

I helped Rebecca make brownies for Vacation Bible School tonight. Hannah had a sleep over with her friend Anna in the tree house. They chickened out at midnight and left Rebecca alone out there, though!

While we made brownies, the two of them were immersed in watching Matilda, so we didn't have many distractions. Still, Rebecca and I turned up the radio loud to drown out their giggling and got our brownies done in record time. While the radio was blaring out Florida Georgia Line, Rebecca spilt some of the batter on the floor. I would have helped clean up but, you know, I had to eat make sure nothing happened to the rest of the brownie batter.

Rebecca said I'm not allowed to taste them. So I might sneak along with Rebecca's family tonight to sample the brownies!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 21st, 2013 -- WV

Rebecca just got back from Camp Galilee. I couldn't go because they don't allow animals. What I want to know is, then how come they let geese on the camp grounds? Rebecca showed me pictures and those creatures are everywhere!

While she was gone, I got to know her family a little better.

This is Gracie, who rules the place. She's really very agreeable once you get to know her. Just stay on her good side!


Snickers is more docile. She's a good friend of mine and of Franklin's.

Rebecca's brother, Levi, is-- well, this picture should describe his personality to you:
                                                                    Caught in the act!

Yes, that is a screwdriver. But it was taken from him before he could dismantle anything.
Nathan is Levi's identical twin brother. Only he prefers naps to running wild and being malicious with his screwdriver.

                                            Hannah and Joshua

Hannah and Joshua had a water fight.

While I watched them I, Tsarmina Green Eyes, worked on my blog. It does take a while, considering that I don't have fingers to type with. I just peck on the keyboard with my paws. Like this:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 6, 2013 -- WV

The minute I got to Aurora, we jumped in the car and headed for a family reunion on the Outer Banks! It was a really long car ride, but we made it there by Sunday evening. We stopped at the Green Valley book fair in Harrisonburg, VA. It was like heaven for Rebecca!

Day One


Sleep In!
L to R Isabelle, Ava, me, Elijah, Hannah.
And that camouflage lump in the floor is Joshua under his sleeping bag. 
The only rule today was RELAX! I slept in a room with Rebecca and her cousins. Counting me, there were eight of us in   there. We stayed up late talking Sunday night and were so tired, the grown-ups had to wake us up and drag us across the street to breakfast.                                                        
The main house, where we ate, was called Starr Light. It's right on the beach. We stayed in Millennium Sunrise, which was right across the street. Starr Light was kind of like a portal to the beach-- you walk in the door and go through the house, then come out the other side and you're on some steps that lead to the beach. You can feel the wind in your whiskers and smell the ocean and you want to run right to it. We go down to the ocean every evening. Every         night Uncle Denny leads a Bible study and we go to bed all happy and satisfied.                                                                                                                  
Day Two
Isabelle and I on the Elizabeth II
We drove to Roanoke Island today, and visited a ship called the Elizabeth II. It's a replica of a ship that sailed over from England in the 1500's. There is a little colony right beside it and there are people playing the part of the colonists. There was a little museum and a place where you could look for shark's teeth and fossils. It was pretty cool.                                       
                          Me, captain of my own ship
A list of rules hanging by the captain's quarters below deck.
                  Rebecca's family, obviously not trying too hard to blend in with the crowd!

Day Three

Jet ski day! Rebecca and her dad and her cousin, Isabelle, took one out. Her other family members went on some, too. And, unfortunately, they DON'T ALLOW ANIMALS! This was infuriating for me. Rebecca told me what it was like. If I had gone, it would have been like this:

We walked down a long dock to a gazebo out on the water. When we got on, I held on tight with my claws to the back of Isabelle's life vest (Later the girl who helped us off the ski gave us a funny look and asked, what on earth had we done to the vest? It has claw marks in it! For goodness sakes, sir, your daughter needs to cut her nails!). She clung to Rebecca's dad, and Rebecca was behind me. The wind blew harshly in our faces and water sprayed us. Isabelle's hair became wet and whipped my face. It stung badly!
A thick cloud enveloped the sky and rain pelted down. From the distance it was from the shore, the rain looked like a mist. Like someone had drawn a huge gossamer curtain of fog across the island. It was pretty, and we kept driving until the first flash of lightning. Then we beat it back to the dock. The minute we got to the gazebo a huge roll of thunder shook everything and let loose a downpour. We're going to be here a while, we thought. And that was the end of that.

Day Four
                                         Just chillin' in the sun

Relaxing again! Rebecca and Isabelle snuck up to the hot tub on Millennium Sunrise and talked for a while. Tonight was Independence Day. Happy birthday, America! We watched the fireworks from the top deck of Starr Light. All the cousins got glow sticks and connectors and waved them around.

Day Five

Today is the last day. I'm sad. I don't want to leave! But we had a good time. I'll miss Rebecca's family.

Day Six

We are staying in Richmond tonight. I like looking out the window on these long drives and seeing what I can see. We stopped at the Morris' farmer's market and got some delicious peach cider. If it and me disappear at the same time, you'll know what happened to it. :)


Monday, July 1, 2013

One night in June - Rio Rancho, NM

Here is a picture I didn't post before because I forgot that we had it. One night we all loaded up into the suburban after dinner and drove down to Costco for a frozen yoghurt treat! It was very yummy. Dad got a dilly-bar, the Rowan and Ava split the fruit parfait and I split a chocolate/vanilla swirl with Hudson and Seriah. (Mom didn't get anything and Grant was being punished for something or other so he didn't get anything either.) Violet stole a little of ours, even though she's not supposed to have ice-cream yet.

*When the picture was taken, Seriah was still reading the Eye of the Oracle series. Now she is re-reading the Mistmantle Chronicles while she is waiting for the second book in the new series her cousin Lara Grace introduced her to to arrive in the mail (Lara brought the first one, Slathbog's Gold, and now Seriah is ordering the second one, The Horn of Moran, off of Amazon).*

June 17th 2013 - Rio Rancho, NM

Here is a picture of me and the family's other cat, a fat tabby named Franklin, in our favorite spot to be while Seriah is on the computer. (She says we're annoying, but frankly, I think she loves the attention!)